Friday, 11 November 2011

A few Sheepwatcher updates on Daisy and Lou lou...

Anna (Sheepwatcher) - 
Daisy and Lou Lou were happy munching and sleeping this afternoon - although I couldn't find them for the first 20 minutes and had a mild panic! I also spoke to a few dog owners and they all knew about the sheep and were happy that they were there.

Trevor (Grazier) -
Hannah, Josh and I, took a stroll down to check on the girls this morning.  We arrived at the middle gate, and after a few of my attempted sheep impressions, we managed to get a verbal response from down near the corale.  I noticed some droppings half way up the steep hill, so they have already been wandering.  As we left they followed us to the gate, and BAAAAA’d at us as we headed off.  They looked mildly confused but in good health, and enjoying the new varied diet!

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